I had horrendous shoulder pain over two weeks which no amount of pain relief would touch – I also tried Swedish back massage which would have been lovely if I had not been in so much pain! My first session of Reflexology whilst suffering from this miraculously cleared it by the next day – amazing!
After badly injuring my knee in the summer of 2010 I was barely able to walk and initially in some pain. Regular reflexology sessions have made my knee feel supported and it is steadily improving and I am in no pain. So far despite some damage to cartilage I have avoided medical intervention and my physiotherapist says it continues to improve. Thanks Suzy
I have had low iron stores for over five years and have had to regularly take supplements. Due to the knee injury I have had regular reflexology treatments and on my last blood test my iron result was the highest I’ve had since this problem began, meaning it is normal again and I need no supplements. Could be a coincidence but I suspect not, plus very relaxing after a busy day at work, enabling me to chill.
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