Take a moment to read what others say

I had horrendous shoulder pain over two weeks which no amount of pain relief would touch – I also tried Swedish back massage which would have been lovely if I had not been in so much pain! My first session of Reflexology whilst suffering from this miraculously cleared it by the next day – amazing!
After badly injuring my knee in the summer of 2010 I was barely able to walk and initially in some pain. Regular reflexology sessions have made my knee feel supported and it is steadily improving and I am in no pain. So far despite some damage to cartilage I have avoided medical intervention and my physiotherapist says it continues to improve. Thanks Suzy
I have had low iron stores for over five years and have had to regularly take supplements. Due to the knee injury I have had regular reflexology treatments and on my last blood test my iron result was the highest I’ve had since this problem began, meaning it is normal again and I need no supplements. Could be a coincidence but I suspect not, plus very relaxing after a busy day at work, enabling me to chill.

Bladder problem and Mouth Ulcers

I have, this past year, suffered with an on-going bladder problem and mouth ulcers. Both conditions have not prevented me from getting on with life, but have dragged me down quite a bit, particularly as I had to resort to taking pain-killers (which I have always avoided before now).
Suzy Sherratt has helped me with both problems in the past few months, to the point that I have not had a mouth ulcer for over two months, having carried out the naturopathic techniques and followed the nutritional advice given; and I have not had to take pain relief for the bladder problem since my first reflexology session in November.
Suzy was lovely, supportive and kind and the actual visit just made me feel better, before I had even started the treatments!!

Osteoporosis and under active thyroid

The Best Christmas present ever.
Back in 2005 one of my Christmas presents was a consultation with Suzy Sherratt. Since then my health has improved month by month. Suzy’s advice over the years has made such a difference to my health & lifestyle.
After 35 years with an underactive thyroid, my thyroid is now working on its own – which means no more prescription drugs. The synthetic thyroxin did not agree with me so I had to buy Armour thyroid from USA. (Very expensive). Now I have no tablets to buy from the U.S.A. – this more than pays for the consultations with Suzy.
Having osteoporosis in my spine & hips I have refused to take the drugs from the hospital after researching the side effects of these drugs. With Suzy’s advice I am now improving my bone density with an akaline diet.
At the age of 63 I do not take any prescription drugs – not like many of my friends, younger/older than me, who have a list that they have to take!! What are all these drugs doing to their bodies?

Pregnancy and beyond

After returning from another reflexology session feeling all is well in my world and generally 'lighter' than when I walked in I cannot extol the virtues of a regular reflexology session enough. I initially saw Suzy (after having previous relexology sessions elsewhere) with the hope of avoiding having to have my first baby induced. I was term plus one day when I sat down in Suzy's comfortable chair and my little boy was on his way within 48 hours! Since then Suzy's hands have worked wonders with my post pregnancy body and the resulting stresses and strains which often felt like quite a lengthy list of ailments. I look forward to my sessions as a time to relax, restore and (sometimes revive) me.

Chronic pain

After Suzy’s treatment I feel so relaxed and comfortable and most of the pain is less. I wish I lived nearer and could go for more treatment.

Lower back and neck

I love to receive reflexology off Suzy. On the occasions I received it I felt very relaxed and niggling pain both in my lower back on one occasion and neck on another were also improved. I also felt more energetic the next day. Definitely recommend it.

When I had ovarian cancer 3 years ago I had chemotherapy and I think having Reflexology helped me get through the chemo without any side effects. Reflexology helps you to relax.

Under active Thyroid, Reynauds disease, Acne

I was lucky enough to be introduced to Suzy in 2002. I had been diagnosed with underactive thyroid and lupus and as a result was suffering from depression. I was prescribed anti-depressants for over a year and hit rock bottom. When I met Suzy we looked right back to childhood. My system as a whole is very slow, I suffer from bad circulation and had Reynauds disease and varicose veins in my legs. I suffered from Acne and I hated looking in a mirror, my skin produced big pus filled spots which knocked my confidence further. Suzy said it could take a couple of years to get my body back on track which it did. She supported me with nutritional and naturopathic techniques advice. I feel a different person now, my head is clear; I can think straight and can retain information. I am finally happy and I don’t take any prescribed drugs apart from thyroxin. My skin has been clear for over six years. I am 39 weeks pregnant with my second child and Reflexology has helped my sleeping pattern and circulation. I have also received Reflexology recently for a back complaint, apart from feeling totally relaxed throughout the consultation my back felt so much better the next day. I feel very privileged to know Suzy and will continue to utilise her experience and expertise, a big thank you to a real special lady.